BNB Formula by Brian Page

BNB Formula

Airbnb Formula is a virtual training program that gives lessons about investing in the short-term rental market. It was created by Brian Page, a businessman and investor who is renowned in the field of real estate.BNB Formula

The program consists of online instructional video training and one-on-one mentoring with Brian. The course requires students to view videos weekly and perform real-world tasks. Supposedly, within eight weeks, students will advance from novice to expert. For more details, visit

The BNB Formula is an eight-week course that teaches you how to create a successful Airbnb rental business without owning a single piece of real estate. The program is led by Brian Page, an entrepreneur and real estate investor who has used Airbnb to make more than $500,000 in just four years. The program offers a combination of online video training and live mentorship sessions with Brian. It also includes tools and templates for creating attractive Airbnb listings.

One of the most important things to consider when choosing an Airbnb rental is location. In order to maximize your profits, it is important to find a property that is located in a high-demand area where people will be more likely to book it. The course provides tips for locating these properties and shows you how to negotiate with landlords to get the best deal.

In addition, the course teaches you how to manage Airbnb rental properties like a professional, including marketing, cleaning, and maintenance. It also includes a tool to evaluate the profitability of any property and calculate its ROI. Moreover, the course provides you with step-by-step instructions for renting out your property to earn a substantial income.

Airbnb has changed the way we look at real estate, making it a lucrative option for investors and homeowners. However, it is important to understand the risks involved with investing in this type of investment and the potential for loss of money. This course will teach you how to avoid common pitfalls and protect your investment.

In BNB Formula, Brian Page teaches students how to invest in the Airbnb business using step-by-step instructions. His technique helps students locate property owners and create appealing listings that will help them start earning money quickly. Once they have mastered this method, students may continue to earn money indefinitely by repeating the process. The program costs $2,997 and includes all videos, training, and live streams. However, there are additional expenses, such as advertising and the purchase of Airbnb software. These costs will not be as significant as the initial investment.


The BNB Formula program is an Airbnb investing course taught by entrepreneur and real estate investor Brian Page. This program teaches students how to use AirBnb rental arbitrage to generate recurring income and save money on rental properties. It also provides training on how to create eye-catching ads and listings that attract potential guests. This course is ideal for people who want to invest in real estate but do not have the money or credit required for traditional buy-and-hold investments.

The program combines online educational video training with direct live mentorship from Brian himself. Throughout the eight-week course, students will watch videos and complete real-world tasks to help them understand how to successfully invest in Airbnb properties. Students who do well will be able to manage multiple properties like professional landlords and start earning sums of money.

Brian Page is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, and company owner who began flipping houses in 2001 and eventually built residential houses and condominiums. However, he lost everything in the 2008 financial crisis and decided to pursue other business opportunities, including Airbnb investing. This is when he created the BNB formula. The formula has helped him make a fortune without having to deal with the hassle of mortgages, property management, or even maintenance.

In addition to his real estate investment work, Brian Page is a philanthropist and has founded a number of charitable projects. One of his most notable efforts is the Medici Society, a private club for wealthy individuals who support philanthropic projects that address the world’s most pressing problems. He has also created the Page Fund, a private real estate investment opportunity for accredited investors.

Airbnb Rental Arbitrage is a popular method of earning passive income with short-term rentals, but it may not be as effective as advertised. This technique requires extensive research and is not recommended for beginners. It is a good idea to speak with a licensed financial adviser before taking the plunge. In addition, it’s important to consider your personal and financial situation before investing in any type of rental property.


Airbnb rental arbitrage is a popular strategy for investors, but it is not without its risks. While it can be a great way to make money, it requires a significant investment of time and effort. In addition, it can lead to high-interest debt. While it is not a scam, it is important to do your research before investing in this business model.

The BNB Formula program is a real estate investment program that teaches students how to make money on Airbnb rentals without owning the property themselves. Led by real estate investor Brian Page, this program teaches students how to invest in Airbnb listings using step-by-step instructions. From locating property owners to creating listings, the program teaches students everything they need to know about Airbnb rentals.

Brian Page is a well-known business owner, entrepreneur, and real estate investor who has made a name for himself in the real estate industry. He has been flipping houses since 2001 and has a wealth of knowledge in the real estate industry. In 2014, he began working with Airbnb as a side project and has quickly become a top earner in this niche.

His Airbnb rental arbitrage strategies have earned him a six-figure income, and he has also written books and hosted a podcast. His latest venture, The Page Fund, is a private real estate investment company that offers accredited investors the opportunity to protect their assets and gain lucrative returns. In addition to his real estate investments, Page is active in philanthropy and has co-founded The Medici Society, a charitable social club for high-net-worth individuals.

The program consists of online videos and live webinars that offer a wealth of information. The first video series is a daily tip series that provides helpful advice and tricks for maximizing profits. The second series is a deep-dive video series that focuses on innovative methods for growing an Airbnb rental business. In addition to this, the program includes a property profit calculator and free tools and templates that will help you build your Airbnb business.

The price of the BNB Formula is $2,997, which includes the course and all video training materials. It also includes access to Brian’s live streams and a membership website with additional support and resources. However, you should note that the price does not include any other expenses, such as advertising costs or property management.


Brian Page is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, and company owner from Charleston, South Carolina. He began flipping houses in 2001, building residential homes and condos. He also invested in various types of properties, including commercial, multifamily, and land. In 2014, he began working with Airbnb as a side project and applied his previous real estate experience to the new venture. This resulted in a very successful business model for him.

His BNB Formula program combines online training and live group coaching to teach you how to grow your Airbnb company. This course is a progressive training framework that teaches you everything you need to know about growing your six- or seven-figure business on the platform. It covers topics such as hosting standards, listing accuracy, guest communication, and meeting reservation commitments. You’ll also learn how to manage multiple properties and outsource the vast majority of your guest communications.

The price of the BNB Formula is $2,997, and you receive access to all the training videos and live coaching sessions. In addition, you’ll get six months of expert coaching calls with Brian Page himself. He will conduct these calls once a month, and you can listen to them at your own pace.

The eight-week course is designed for new and seasoned Airbnb hosts. It includes step-by-step instructions that allow you to build a consistent income on the platform without investing significant amounts of money in property. The program also teaches you how to create eye-catching listings and ads that attract more visitors. This course focuses on automation and outsourcing as much as possible, so you can focus on finding property owners and creating attractive listings.

Drywall Repair: How to Properly Repair Drywall

Drywall Repair

Small dents, scratches, and holes are minor blemishes that can often be repaired with spackle or joint compound. However, if you see cracks in the wall or ceiling, it’s best to call a drywall specialist.Drywall Repair

Cracks can signal serious structural problems and the need for professional repair. Fixing them yourself risks papering over the problem, which may return or worsen over time. For professional assistance, contact Drywall Repair Las Vegas now!

When it comes to patching up holes in drywall, there are plenty of options available. From the basics to something more extensive, almost all drywall patch kits come with the same goal: to create an undetectable effect that’s ready for painting. The differences between kits can be found in the types of supplies and tools included, whether or not the plaster and backing are pre-textured, and more.

The best drywall patch kits have a few important qualities in common: they are easy to use and capable of forming a durable surface that can be painted. This kit from 3M, for example, includes all the basic repair supplies you need to complete a drywall repair, including a sheet of sanding sponge and the appropriate sized sandpaper for the job. It also has a back plate that’s designed to flex and adhere, making it suitable for repairs over steel and wood studs.

Replacement Drywall

Drywall, or gypsum board, is an inexpensive, versatile building material used in walls and ceilings. Unfortunately, like many construction materials, it can be damaged by moisture and termites. This damage can range from sagging or warping to mold and mildew, or even worse. This type of damage often requires extensive repair or replacement work.

Depending on the size of the repair, it can take anywhere from an hour to a week or more to fix. This is especially true if you have to remove the damaged section of wall and replace it with an identical panel, or if you’re fixing large holes caused by plumbing leaks or storm damage.

Small drywall repairs, such as nail or screw hole patching, can be done with a simple spackle repair kit, which usually includes everything you need except paint. A drywall patch will need to be cut and installed in place, and then covered with joint compound before being sanded smooth and painted.

Hairline drywall cracks can be repaired with a thin layer of flexible crack filler, such as Good-Bye Cracks. This can be applied with a wide putty knife or a narrow utility knife and then sanded smooth. It’s important to note that these types of cracks can reappearate as the house settles, so you may need to apply more than one coat of repair product.

Nail pops are another common problem that can occur as the home settles, causing the nails that hold the drywall to the studs to twist and pull away from the wall, leaving behind a visible bulge. A quick fix for this is to simply tap the nail back in with a hammer, but for a more permanent solution, you should replace the nail with a drywall screw and then fill the hole with a dab of drywall mud.

If your drywall has been compromised by water or mold, you’ll need to call a drywall specialist. They’ll know the best course of action and how long it will take to remedy your drywall. They’ll also be able to spot potential issues that need to be addressed, such as the source of the moisture or the presence of mold, and help you get those taken care of immediately.

Drywall repair tools

The right drywall repair tools will make the job much easier. For starters, a good drywall saw is a must-have. It will let you cut out a damaged area quickly and efficiently without damaging the paper layer of drywall underneath. A drywall square is also a must-have, as it will help you mark the lines for cutting. In addition to a drywall saw and a square, you’ll need some sandpaper and a putty knife for filling in small holes and dents.

You should also consider buying a drywall taping tool. This is an essential drywall tool that will help you create smooth surfaces for painting and other home improvement projects. It will help you finish the edges of your drywall, and it can be used to apply a second coat of mud over tape. It is also a great option for repairing cracks and seams.

A good drywall repair kit will have everything you need for the job, including a selection of drywall patch sizes and different types of spackling paste. You’ll find kits that are geared towards people who are new to drywall and others that are more comprehensive and designed for homeowners who have experience hanging and finishing walls.

Holes in drywall happen quite frequently, and they can be caused by a number of things. You might hang something and forget to drive the nail back down, or someone might swing a door open with a lot of force and knock a hole in the wall. They can also occur in new construction as a result of damp framing that dries out and shrinks over time.

Nail holes and other small dents and scratches can be repaired using spackling. You can purchase a pre-mixed spackling compound from your local hardware store or builder’s supply center, but you can also make your own. To get the best results, use a narrow putty knife that’s designed for drywall repair rather than a general-purpose utility knife and apply it to the hole, blending it until it’s completely flush with the wall.

If you have a large hole or a crack in your drywall, you will need to apply reinforcing mesh before you spackle the area. This will prevent the spackling from becoming thin or crumbly as it dries. Large holes will require a larger application of spackling and may need a second or third coat.

Mold and moisture

Mold and moisture are common drywall issues. While you can’t prevent the spores that cause mold and mildew to grow, you can take steps to keep the problem from getting out of control. The most important thing to do is keep the drywall as dry as possible. Drywall absorbs moisture easily, and elevated moisture levels can compromise its strength and rigidity, making it more susceptible to damage and weakening. In addition, excess moisture promotes mold growth, which can cause health issues.

The first step in identifying potential drywall issues is to perform a physical inspection. Feel the drywall and push on it to see if there are any soft spots or areas. You may also notice that certain sections of a wall have a musty odor, which is a telltale sign of excessive humidity. You should also use a moisture meter to locate wet areas that are not immediately visible to the naked eye. These meters use thin pins to penetrate the surface of materials like drywall and wood to produce a reading.

If a wall has high moisture levels, it’s best to remove and replace the affected area. Drywall that has been exposed to moisture can lose its R-value and contribute to increased energy bills.

You can purchase a special type of drywall called mold-resistant drywall that is designed to reduce the chances of mold or mildew growth. Mold-resistant drywall has a thicker paper face and backing that are saturated with a waxy material that denies mold spores access to the paper. This is an especially good option for areas that are regularly used in damp conditions, such as bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Mold-killing primers are a great way to kill any remaining mold spores and help the drywall re-harden. Then you can apply a coat of paint that will create a fungicidal barrier to protect the drywall from mold spores and other stains. Lastly, you should set up a box fan to direct the flow of air to your walls. This will speed up the drying process and allow the drywall to achieve an acceptable level of moisture content.